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2016-17 Contract Ratification

Following an elongated bargaining process and declaration of impasse, Pasco teachers and school related personnel overwhelmingly ratified the negotiated agreements between United School Employees of Pasco and the School Board of Pasco County. On Thursday, May 18, 2017, the USEP Election Committee tallied the votes at the United School Employees of Pasco offices. 96% of

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USEP Election Results

News & Updates
USEP Election Results Don Peace Elected USEP President; Lisa Mazza, Instructional Vice President! On Thursday, March 9, 2017, the Pasco County Division of Elections tabulated votes for the tri-annual election process for the 2017-2020 USEP Officer & Delegate positions. Beginning on February 23rd, using individual numeric identifiers generated by the Division of Elections, members of Read more

USEP Impasse Update – Video

https://youtu.be/0RTYiwn5iuc Impasse Update Video Transcript Hello, I’m Kenny Blankenship, President of the United School Employees of Pasco. On November 9th, after a round of bargaining, no movement from the district, and, apparently, no willingness on their part to contact the “decision makers at the District office,” USEP declared impasse as it seemed clear there were Read more

USEP Declares Impasse

USEP DECLARES IMPASSE! Tonight the United School Employees of Pasco bargaining teams offered proposals for both the School Related Personnel (SRP) and Instructional Bargaining Units. The USEP proposals were both feasible and reasonable asking the Board to invest in its employees, and improve working conditions through contract language. Unfortunately, the District failed to respond to

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The Impact We Have on Students

News & Updates

Two weeks ago, 9 USEP members attended the Florida Education Association’s Delegate Assembly, our state union annual convention, where we conducted the regular business of approving our state union’s budget, debated several business items and positions for our state union and elected a representative to the National Education Association’s Board of Directors.  We witnessed an

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.