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Supreme Court Rules 3% FRS Tax Stand

FRSNews & Updates

Today in an unexpected decision, the Florida Supreme Court upheld the 3-percent FRS tax levied on Florida public employees.  The decision leaves half a million public employees holding the bag. Public employee leaders expressed shock and anger at the Florida Supreme Court ruling especially since the circuit court had ruled that the Florida Legislature overstepped

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SB-736 Has Its First Day in Court

News & UpdatesSB 736

The first hearing on FEA’s challenge to the constitutionality of SB 736 was held yesterday (Wednesday) in the Leon County Courthouse in Tallahassee. While no decision was rendered, lawyers for both sides met before Circuit Judge John Cooper for a little more than two hours. The judge had read the written documents and arguments submitted

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FEA Takes SB 736 to Court!

News & UpdatesSB 736

Attorneys for the Florida Education Association take Senate Bill 736 to court today.  The hearing is set for 2:00 p.m. in the Leon County Courthouse before Judge Cooper. This is a hearing that has been a year coming! The FEA filed a lawsuit a year ago challenging Florida’s law that ties teachers’ pay to student

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Expiration of Federal Tax Holiday

News & Updates

Starting with your first paycheck in 2013, the full amount of federal Social Security will now be withheld from all workers’ paychecks.  This 2% decrease in your take-home pay is actually a return to the payroll tax rate that was temporarily lowered two years ago to help stimulate the economy during the economic slowdown. The

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USEP Building Reps Donate Generously

News & Updates

November 27, 2012, was USEP’s yearly Holiday Social for our dedicated Building Reps.  Everyone was asked to bring donations of food or unwrapped toys.  With each donation a prize ticket was given.  After all the prizes were awarded, one raffle winner donated over $100 to the toy drive.  USEP donated the food to Christian Social

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2011-12 Teacher Evaluations Coming Soon

News & UpdatesTeacher Evaluations

In light of ongoing legal and interpretive issues surrounding teachers’ VAM scores for the 2011-2012 school year, USEP and the District agreed to put final evaluations for last year on hold while the parties researched the issues and reviewed the VAM data and its effects.  After much deliberation, discussion and review, the parties agreed to

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Waiting Continues for FRS Ruling

FRSNews & Updates

Although the election is over, the waiting continues for the Florida Supreme Court’s decision on FEA’s pension litigation.  There is no set deadline for the Supreme Court to make its ruling.  The court is a deliberative body and known for thoroughly reviewing all of the arguments, exhibits and research. Decisions can and do take months.

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Bottoms Up—On the Ballot!

Tuesday, November 6th is Election Day. As the expression goes, “Bottoms up!” No, we’re not talking about hoisting a drink, but starting from the bottom of the ballot and working your way up. Why?  Because the Florida legislature has drafted all eleven of the constitutional amendments. (That alone should give you pause!)   This is the

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If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.