USEP Update – Friday, 2/26/2021
Greetings USEP Members,
Just a short note today to update you on what is going on at USEP.
- Thank you to all of our Building Reps who just completed the Contract Ratification Vote! As you may have seen from our news release, 98% of the SRP and 95% of Instruction voted to accept the contract. This is a very fair and equitable settlement.
- USEP is beginning an Organizing campaign to recruit new members. It begins on March 1st and runs through May 31, 2021. New members get 3 months of membership for free (no dues until next August) and the recruiting member gets $50. Here is the link for more info –
- USEP recently resolved, for now and for bargaining next year, the W-2 situation for SRP employees. All employees who indicated the need were given paper copies of their W-2 form. USEP and the District agree that this language will be addressed in the beginning of next year’s bargaining to avoid further issues.
- USEP has contacted the District regarding 1095-C forms that are needed for filing tax returns. After our inquiry, the District has agreed to mail these 1095-C forms to inactive employees and retirees first and then any employee who has designated they want a paper copy. The IRS extension date of March 2, 2021 is expected to be met.
- Upon hearing concerns from members regarding the lack of compliance and enforcement of mask wearing, USEP had conversation with District staff and reminded them of the Re-Opening Guidelines and MOU signed by both parties. Conversation was had by Assistant Superintendents to Building Administrators about following procedures. It is our understanding that enforcement has been prioritized and consequences given for failure to comply. If this is still a problem at your worksite, please contact your Business Rep or the USEP office with your worksite location.
- Since USEP had conversation with Transportation Operations staff, masks have been made readily available for drivers at the bus compounds. Conversation was also had about the number of students being transported on busses regarding student safety and driver liability. Transportation Operations will be monitoring that situation.
- USEP recently filed a Grievance with the District for the overall process being used with employees at JMMES and CENES. Our contract specifically spells out how school closing transpires for the Voluntary and Involuntary Transfer Process. All employees should be treated according to the contract language. We will be meeting with employees from those two schools Tuesday evening to discuss their situation further.