Legislative Update – Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
Dear Member
Out-of-state groups are now putting pressure on your lawmakers to pass HB 1197. The Legislature still has time before the final day of session to maneuver this bill through the process.
If passed, HB 1197 will limit your ability and freedom to decide if you want to have union dues deducted from your paycheck by the school district. Teachers and staff currently have the ability to have numerous deductions made from their paychecks, if they so choose. This includes union dues. It is currently the employee’s decision to join a union and have deductions taken from their paychecks by the school district. Payroll deduction by the district is the least costly and most convenient way for employees to pay their union dues. Please take action today, as this could be very detrimental to labor organizations.
Email Senators and ask them to VOTE NO on HB 1197, even if you already contacted them earlier this week. After you email, ask your friends and family to contact the Senators as well.
There is a critical teacher and staff shortage in our schools. In this time of need, legislators should be focused on helping our students and their families instead of playing political games.
We must keep reminding them of the values we share - The freedom to make our choices without government interference.
In solidarity,
Don Peace, President
Talking Points on HB 1197
- HB 1197 is a re-make of a similar bill that we have seen over the last several years
- HB 1197
- Limits the ability of an organization (union) to have dues collected by the employer
- Limits individual freedom to advocated for working conditions
- Is punitive to Public Education employees
- Shows NO RESPECT for employees who put students first in a medical dilemma despite personal concerns
- The Senate companion Bill was not even heard by a committee
- Further shows the lack of concern for Public Education employees as one of the lowest paid groups in the country
- Legislators should be looking for ways to financially reward ALL PUBLIC EDUCATION EMPLOYEES
- Is a solution to a problem that simply doesn’t exist