A New Benefit from USEP: Share My Lesson
Welcome back to a new school year! So much goes on at the start of the school year: bargaining, setting up your classroom, gathering materials, etc.   And while everyone is running around crazy, now is the perfect time to join Share My Lesson. Share My Lesson is a free benefit from USEP that supports teachers, school-related personnel, parents and others by offering free resources to help them be more successful.
Created by the American Federation of Teachers and TES Connect, the largest network of teachers in the world, Share My Lesson is the premiere digital platform where educators can collaborate and share learning resources such as lesson plans, classroom strategies and innovative ideas, at no cost.
- Already, over 280,000 U.S. educators have subscribed to the site, making it the fastest-growing online learning community for those working with students.
- More than 265,000 K-12 classroom resources have been uploaded to the site, tagged by content area and grade level for easy searching.
- A growing Common Core State Standards Information Center points teachers to useful resources that model approaches for teaching to the new standards.
- More than 2.7 million resources have been downloaded, proving how valuable teachers find the content.
Visit www.sharemylesson.com and take advantage of this incredible free resource today.
The content is free, and always will be, and you can be 100 percent certain that your e-mail address and personal information is safe and will never be sold. Once you sign up, within minutes you’ll receive an activation e-mail. Follow the instructions in that e-mail, and you’re all set. Hundreds of thousands of resources developed by colleagues will now be at your fingertips.
Share My Lesson is a concrete example of solution-driven unionism, an example of your union actively supporting you in your daily efforts to make a difference for students. It’s just one more reason to be a USEP member! If you haven’t joined USEP yet, please do so today by clicking here.
Hundreds of teachers have had a hand in developing Share My Lesson, and, whether you’re a USEP member or not, check it out. Please go to www.sharemylesson.com and sign up and share this message with a friend.