Assess the Test Report Card for Parents
Teachers and SRP are not the only ones speaking out against the testing mania afflicting our schools. The high-stakes testing mandates that lawmakers have ramped up over the past couple of years are at such extreme levels that many parents are joining teachers and SRP in calling upon lawmakers for reform.
Teachers feel they have not had enough time or information to adequately prepare for the new testing standards, while parents lament that their children are being overburdened by an endless barrage of standardized tests and test preparation. Meanwhile, school districts are spending millions of dollars trying to meet testing mandates that are not always clear or reliable.
Now parents can join teachers and SRP in opposition to the testing madness by participating in the Florida Education Association’s Assess the Test Campaign. Parent’s just need to click the following link to submit a report card that grades Florida’s broken assessment system:
Teachers, SRP, and parents know that our students are more than just a test and that real classroom education is more than just test preparation. Let’s make sure the Florida Legislature gets the picture, too.