United School Employees of Pasco
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USEP Update 8/11/2023

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USEP UPDATE FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2023 On behalf of all of us at the USEP office, we hope your first days went well! VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT FOR REFERENDUM SUPPLEMENT – Starting with this school year, SRP and Instructional employees are now receiving a Referendum Salary Supplement. This supplement should appear as part of your 8/18 Read more

USEP Update – 6/13/2023

News & UpdatesUpdates
“THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU…” TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023 Over the last few days, many, if not all, members have received ads promoting “Union Oversight Florida”. Let me be very clear - THIS IS NOT A PRO-UNION GROUP! They are making false statements and trying to undermine the hard work that local unions have accomplished Read more

USEP Update 3/28/2023

USEP UPDATE TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023 OUT OF FIELD CERTIFICATION PROCESS After many years of conversation with the District, USEP can now claim a WIN for how the District will be dealing with OUT OF FIELD employees. Past procedures are now being adjusted and the intent is to limit OUT OF FIELD situations. Just one Read more

USEP Election Results

News & UpdatesUpdatesUSEP Elections

USEP ELECTIONS RESULTS JUNE 1, 2023 – MAY 31, 2026 USEP recently had open nominations for all officers (President, VP for Instructional, VP for SRP and Secretary/Treasurer), three (3) Instructional Executive Board seats, one (1) SRP Executive Board seat, and delegates for the NEA national convention as well as the FEA Delegate Assembly. There were

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USEP Bargaining Update – Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

Last night the USEP and District Instructional Bargaining Teams met and reached agreements on two very important issues. Additional Compensation for Teachers Providing Additional Instruction (also known as a .2) For the 22-23 school year, compensation for teaching an additional period of instruction (also known as a .2) will be increased to $6,500. This increase Read more

USEP Update – 9/26/2022

News & UpdatesProfessional DevelopmentUpdates
SEIZURE OVERVIEW TRAINING - It has been brought to our attention that all employees were notified that they must complete a mandatory training ON Canvas in accordance with HB173 called SEIZURE OVERVIEW TRAINING. Upon further investigation. The District has agreed that this training is recommended for all employees but is only mandatory for those employees Read more

USEP Update – August 19th, 2022

Instructional Negotiations Update: The USEP and District Instructional Bargaining Teams will return to the table on Thursday at 5:00. We are cautiously optimistic that we may be close to an agreement on Instructional salary improvements. At the last session, USEP passed an economic counterproposal that included 5.75% salary improvements. This was a response to the Read more

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If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.