Thanksgiving Update
/ November 22, 2021 / Contract Negotiations and Ratification, Illness in the Line of Duty, News & Updates, PMP, School Start Times, Teacher Evaluations, Updates
As we celebrate this Thanksgiving week with family and friends, be it known that USEP is thankful for all our members. In a world where we are being tested at every turn, we appreciate your trust in us and will continue to advocate on your behalf - in Tallahassee during the upcoming Legislative Session and Read more
USEP Update – Saturday, Nov. 6th, 2021
/ November 6, 2021 / Contract Negotiations and Ratification, News & Updates, Political/Legislative, Teacher Evaluations, TIGER Pride, Updates
USEP UPDATE SATURDAY, NOV. 6, 2021 TEACHER EVALUATIONS An email went out yesterday detailing the appeal process and timeline Click this link for info: http://www.useponline.org/2021/11/05/teacher-evaluation-appeal-information/ PROGRESS MONITORING USEP filed a grievance on 10.25.21 Our concern is for the increased workload required and the inability to complete documentation during contract hours We are asking for employees Read more
Teacher Evaluation Appeal Information
ACTION REQUIRED We understand there may be individual concerns regarding SPM scores on the 2020-2021 Teacher Evaluation. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPEAL YOUR SPM SCORE. You MUST use the following link to complete forms for the appeal: teacher-evaluation-appeals-protocol.pdf There is a strict timeline, and all appeal documentation is required to be completed and received Read moreUSEP Update – Tuesday, October 26, 2021
USEP & DISTRICT SIGN OFF ON $1,000 COVID SUPPLEMENTS This past Thursday, October 21, 2021, the USEP SRP Bargaining team signed off on the $1,000 COVID Supplement MOU. Last evening, Monday, October 25, 2021, the Instructional Bargaining Team also agreed to the same MOU language. These agreements mean that employees NOT paid by the State Read moreUSEP Update – Monday, October 18, 2021
PMP Monitoring - USEP is in conversation with District staff regarding: The process of PMP monitoring including: Dropdown menus that don’t allow for much-used interventions. Redundancy, as student information is available in other platforms. The amount of time required to complete the forms. Teachers being required to meet a deadline prior to a teacher planning Read moreCOVID Leave Information
THESE GUIDELINES MUST BE DONE IN A TIMELY MANNER! VACCINATED MEMBERS PROTOCOL If you test positive, or are unable to report to work because of failing the Employee Self Screener (https://livepascok12fl.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/SSPS_Resources/ERAbz4_3UrRBr3nl_TD66BsBi_Ju6GHZut2MHH9XCgggGQ?rtime=udm0yNt92Ug) or are directed to quarantine by the Department of Health due to a work related COVID exposure, you should: Fill out the MACH form Read moreUSEP Update – Monday, Sept. 20th, 2021
BUSINESS REP CHRIS SILLER - Chris, who has represented the South-Central region for the last 2 ½ years, has left USEP for another job opportunity. We wish him well in this new endeavor. USEP is in the process of hiring his replacement and an announcement should be forthcoming shortly. If you have concerns in the Read moreUSEP Update – Wednesday, September 8th, 2021
/ September 8, 2021 / Contract Negotiations and Ratification, Coronavirus, Health and Safety, News & Updates
Voluntary Sub Coverage As a reminder, the current Instructional Master Contract includes an MOU called Voluntary Coverage Process. As stated in this MOU, instructional staff may VOLUNTEER to provide coverage when a school does not have enough subs. Instructional Staff that volunteer shall be awarded compensatory time in recognition of the additional responsibilities being assumed. Read more
Health and Safety MOU Clarification
/ August 11, 2021 / Back To School, Contract Negotiations and Ratification, Coronavirus, Health and Safety, News & Updates, USEP News
USEP Members, Good afternoon. We have received multiple phone calls from our members with questions and concerns related to the 2021-2022 Health and Safety Guidelines Memorandum of Understanding. Many of these questions and concerns are regarding an email sent from the district to all employees yesterday afternoon. The purpose of this email is to provide Read more