United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
Bargaining Update 12/19/2016
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Bargaining Update 12/19/2016

Bargaining Update




Impasse Update

USEP met with the District on two occasions since we formally declared impasse on November 9, 2016.  Although USEP hoped to reach settlement without a formal impasse hearing, we do not believe that will be the case this year.  We know it has been a long process and we thank all of you, member and potential member, for your patience.  USEP    recognizes the incredible time and dedication of our SRP and Instructional Negotiation teams for their hard work on  behalf of all our employees. (All proposals below can be found on the USEP website at: )

Current positions



  • Increased economic proposal for both Instructional SRP employees by .03% (2.65% to 2.68%)


  • Instructional — Countered language for DA training and substituting.
  • SRP — Countered SRP Workplace Committee


  • Moved to 3.35% for both units


  • SRP — Signed language for an SRP Workplace Committee
  • Instructional — Signed language to provide comp time for substituting during planning as well as language for  teachers in our designated DA schools
  • Agreed on the selection for Special Magistrates for SRP and Instructional Hearings

NOTE: We are saddened to report that there has still been no desire to consider language at all for our Annual Contract teachers that would provide our Highly Effective and Effective employees even the smallest amount of security in their careers!

“We need to make ‘inverting the pyramid’ more than a catch phrase if we want Public Education in Pasco County to reach the level of excellence our members know it can be!

Kenny Blankenship
President USEP

Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.