United School Employees of Pasco
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May 2022 Rep Council

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We had a great time at the final (in-person) Rep Council Meeting of the 2021-2022 school year. It was great to see everyone! Congratulations to everyone who advanced a level this year in Building Rep Training! Keep up the great work everyone and enjoy your summer! Read more

USEP Update – July 12, 2021

Academic Tutors The Board presented a job description at the June 22 SB meeting for “Academic Tutors”. This is an attempt to remediate students with learning loss - a noble plan that USEP solidly endorses. However, the job description was to be placed in the Instructional Bargaining Unit and did NOT include the requirement of Read more

Emergency Florida Legislative Update: Zoom Meeting – Thursday, March 11th

To: All Pasco Education Employees From: Don Peace, USEP President Date: March 9, 2021 RE: EMERGENCY FLORIDA LEGISLATIVE UPDATE! The Florida Legislature is now in its annual “Legislative Session” in Tallahassee. USEP received drafts of several bills that, if enacted into law, will directly impact your personal pension plan and potential retirement income, really question Read more

You Are Appreciated, USEP Members

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YOU ARE APPRECIATED, USEP MEMBERS! USEP members, Please watch this video message of appreciation by our School Board Chair, Colleen Beaudoin: And here is a letter from our state President, Fed Ingram of FEA: Dear USEP member, During these times of uncertainty, you stepped up to make sure your students and their parents were Read more

Thank You, USEP Members

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This whole week is about appreciation, not just for teachers, but for educators in all different roles. Every one of you makes an impact on students daily. Many times, that impact cannot be measured until a student returns later in life to share their accomplishments with you. As your newly re-elected President, and a now Read more

Wednesday, USEP Salutes Our SRP

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Like our teachers, SRP have been asked to adapt to the new distance learning model. IA’s have been asked to copy papers, file papers, grade papers, monitor student progress, counsel students, even act as an alarm clock for students. Behavior Specialists, counselors, therapists, and ESE paras have been asked to support mental health concerns for Read more

Today We Salute Our Teachers

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On this Tuesday of Appreciation Week, USEP salutes our teachers. It goes without saying that teaching is a calling. Teachers devote their lives to giving students all the tools necessary to succeed in life and inspire them to do it. Dedicated professionals will do anything necessary to see to it that students learn and retain Read more

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week from USEP

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  This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, but we at USEP want to thank ALL education professionals for what you are doing. Since the existence of “Distance Learning” has come about, all of us have had to learn a different way of educational life. We are adapting to the virtual classroom and having to supplement Read more

Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.