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Bargaining Update – 1/11/2021: Tentative Agreements to Salary and Benefit Packages

Earlier this evening, the District School Board of Pasco County and the United School Employees of Pasco (USEP) reached tentative agreements on proposals that, once ratified, will add over $25 million to the salary and benefit packages of the District’s teachers and School Related Personnel (SRP). The proposed settlement includes significant increases in the District’s Read more

Action Needed! HELP Protect FRS!

FRSNews & UpdatesPolitical/Legislative

As if taxing teachers, firefighters, police, and other public employees paychecks 3% to help cover the state’s share of our retirement plan was not enough, legislative leaders are ramrodding a bill that could cost them even more. The House Government Operations Subcommittee is scheduled to consider committee bill, GVOPS 13-01, Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. that would close the traditional pension plan under the Florida

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Supreme Court Rules 3% FRS Tax Stand

FRSNews & Updates

Today in an unexpected decision, the Florida Supreme Court upheld the 3-percent FRS tax levied on Florida public employees.  The decision leaves half a million public employees holding the bag. Public employee leaders expressed shock and anger at the Florida Supreme Court ruling especially since the circuit court had ruled that the Florida Legislature overstepped

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Waiting Continues for FRS Ruling

FRSNews & Updates

Although the election is over, the waiting continues for the Florida Supreme Court’s decision on FEA’s pension litigation.  There is no set deadline for the Supreme Court to make its ruling.  The court is a deliberative body and known for thoroughly reviewing all of the arguments, exhibits and research. Decisions can and do take months.

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Join us at Our Labor Day Celebration and in the Fight to Restore Our FRS Pension Rights!

FRSNews & Updates

Labor Day Celebration & Picnic Join our union brothers and sisters for a Labor Day Celebration to be held Monday, September 4th,11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at Lupton’s Boggy Bottom Ranch (8407 Lupton Place, Plant City, 33567) located one mile east of the Hwy 39 and Keysville Road intersection in Plant City: This year’s

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.