United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
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Assess the Test Report Card for Parents

Teachers and SRP are not the only ones speaking out against the testing mania afflicting our schools. The high-stakes testing mandates that lawmakers have ramped up over the past couple of years are at such extreme levels that many parents are joining teachers and SRP in calling upon lawmakers for reform. Teachers feel they have not had enough time or

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Assess the Test

Florida’s accountability system has gone horribly wrong. Our students are being subjected to toxic amounts of testing. Throughout the state, parents are opting out of state testing mandates and school districts are calling upon the Florida legislature to reform the culture of testing it has imposed on our schools. Now you can add your voice

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Elected: Amanda Murphy: Labor’s Candidate

Congratulations to Amanda Murphy for her victory in the special election for House District 36. USEP, FEA, Central Labor Council, Florida AFL-CIO, Fraternal order of Police, the Florida State Lodge, Pasco County Sheriff’s Lodge No 29, and Pasco County Professional Firefighters all endorsed Candidate Amanda Murphy for Florida House Seat 36. The seat was held by Mike

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Sign Up for Target Tallahassee

The 2013 Legislative Session is shaping up to be another challenging one for education employees. USEP has sent members to attend committee meetings during each of the Interim Committee weeks. Now, USEP is preparing for the regular session by inviting members to become a part of our member lobbyist group. Join our group now and

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Action Needed! HELP Protect FRS!

FRSNews & UpdatesPolitical/Legislative

As if taxing teachers, firefighters, police, and other public employees paychecks 3% to help cover the state’s share of our retirement plan was not enough, legislative leaders are ramrodding a bill that could cost them even more. The House Government Operations Subcommittee is scheduled to consider committee bill, GVOPS 13-01, Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. that would close the traditional pension plan under the Florida

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Bottoms Up—On the Ballot!

Tuesday, November 6th is Election Day. As the expression goes, “Bottoms up!” No, we’re not talking about hoisting a drink, but starting from the bottom of the ballot and working your way up. Why?  Because the Florida legislature has drafted all eleven of the constitutional amendments. (That alone should give you pause!)   This is the

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Primary Day: Don’t Let Anything Keep You Away!

Polls are open today until 7:00 p.m. for the Primary Election.  Don’t let anything keep you from your civic duty. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Why bother to vote?  Because someone hired by someone appointed by someone elected affects your life and your family around the clock.  Politics affects salaries, class sizes, the availability of textbooks and

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.