United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
Coronavirus / COVID-19 Update – Monday, April 20th
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Coronavirus / COVID-19 Update – Monday, April 20th


Florida schools to stay closed through semester, Gov. Ron DeSantis says

Public sentiment had been strong to continue distance learning until Covid-19 is under control. Gov. Ron DeSantis announces on April 18 that schools should remain closed through the rest of the spring session. Saying distance learning is working well enough for now, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Saturday announced the state’s K-12 schools should remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. “We felt that was the best decision,” said DeSantis, explaining that he had consulted with school leaders and heard from many residents. DeSantis’ previous order had called for campuses to stay shuttered through May 1. But after saying he might consider sending students back “even for a couple of weeks,” if it’s safe, the pushback came fast and furious from educators, parents and others.

FEA Town Hall Zoom Meeting

FEA will be hosting a zoom Town Hall meeting this Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at 6 PM. Topics for the meeting are how you are doing under the current conditions and Legislative concerns for the budget based on a major hit to tourism in the state. Here is the link if you would like to participate:

USEP Elections

All eligible members should have received by now your USEP Election ballot. This is your chance to have a voice in the leadership of this organization. Please take the time to fill out and mail your ballot in the secrecy sleeve and envelope provided. Please make sure you sign and date the back of the envelope to validate your ballot. Ballots are due to the Supervisor of Elections office by the close of the workday on April 30, 2020.

Emergency Pay Date

As I stated last Friday in my update, it is the intent of the District to pay all the emergency pay due for work performed during Spring Break or the week of March 23-27, 2020, including the 4 hour supplement for employees attending the “Distance Learning” training on March 27, 2020. The anticipated pay date is April 30, 2020 and will be paid in a separate check.

Fees Waived

Reminder - All fees for Certification Exams have been waived by the DOE through July 31, 2020. If you are looking to renew or add to your certificate, please take advantage of this situation.

USEP Organizing Campaign Extended

Due to the Governor’s announcement, USEP is extending our “3 For Free” organizing campaign through the end of the year, May 29, 2020. ALL NEW MEMBERS WILL BE PAID A $100 INCENTIVE AND RECRUITERS WILL RECEIVE THE $20 FEE. Your Business Rep should be contacting you soon to let you know of the potential members at your worksite. This is a great chance to let these folks know what USEP is doing to support our members, even during this crisis. Virtual recruiting is the new “now”.

Best and Brightest

Pay-outs for this year are expected to be made in early to mid-May. There are some contractual obligations the District needs to be sure are met prior to this money being released. When we get an exact date, we will let you know.

If there are still concerns to be addressed with this new learning, please bring them to our attention Thanks for giving our students the opportunity to learn. Stay safe and healthy.

Don Peace, United School Employees of Pasco

Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.