United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
Coronavirus Update – April 3rd, 2020
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Coronavirus Update – April 3rd, 2020


Hello Members,

A lot has transpired since our last email. Let me bring you up to speed with a reminder of the changes. First, Governor DeSantis issued a stay-at-home order which prompted the District to send out a memo regarding a change in the working conditions for most all employees. Some transportation, food service, Distance Learning and computer/virtual access employees will still be supporting existing programs. For more information, please refer to the District Communications memo sent to all employees yesterday at 1:24 PM.

The District has also advised that employees aged 65 or over and other employees with documented compromised immune systems should not be performing any in-person work on District campuses. If you have any questions regarding your personal situation, please contact your administrator.

Florida Blue has chosen to waive member cost-sharing for ALL COVID-19 RELATED TREATMENT AND SERVICES, including hospital admissions and prior authorization for patients transferred from acute hospital settings to post-acute care facilities. If you have additional questions regarding this situation, you may contact Patricia Howard at

Google Voice was a concern of many Instructional employees. I repeat what I stated in earlier communications, this is NOT a requirement, but an option you could choose to use if you like. The expectation is that you stay in contact with students and parents and address their concerns, however you choose to do that (Zoom, videoconferencing, email. Phone calls, etc.)

Friday, April 10, 2020, is Good Friday and is a paid holiday. It is not a school or workday for students or employees. Although some students may be online that day, there is no expectation for teachers to perform regular tasks.

We have reached the end of week one of Distance Learning. Some of you have struggled and some have fared well. Kudos to all of you for hanging in there for our students. As concerns are brought forward, USEP and the District are trying to address and rectify these situations. This is a work in progress and will take some time. Please be patient with all of us, and each other. Eventually we will work out the problems to a level we can live with.

In the interim, we want to offer some BEST PRACTICES FOR ZOOM/ONLINE LEARNING.

  • Be sober on camera. (Social hour is after work.)
  • Wear appropriate clothing.
  • Know your employer’s acceptable use policies for online usage and follow them.
  • Be present and available during the workday. (Don’t use social media during times you are expected to interact with students/parents)
  • Be aware of your online presence. Know when your camera is on. Ensure no sensitive documents are in view of the camera and be aware of others in the room with you.
  • Control access. Only share meetings links with those who have a need-to-know.
  • Know that your work computer can be tracked by the District. Only use your work computer for work.
  • Keep work on personal computers to work related issues, as this information can be accessed as public records.
  • Maintain your own privacy in your interactions with students and parents.
  • Ensure only the host or trusted people can share their screen or control the meeting.
  • Be positive. Encouragement goes a long way during these trying times.
  • Stay-at-home for the duration of the recommended time and do the best you can to ensure your personal safety and health. Your students are counting on YOU!

Thank you again for being the best you can for our students and parents. This is a tough time for everybody, but with patience and perseverance, we CAN and we WILL make a difference in our students lives. Thank you for what you do!


Yours in Solidarity,

Don Peace, President

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