United School Employees of Pasco
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Elementary Workload Grievance Settled
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Elementary Workload Grievance Settled

Late last week, USEP and the District reached an agreement to resolve the long-standing Elementary Workload Class Action grievance that was filed in October 2012.  Issues included ever-increasing student assessments, meetings, and planning time issues.  The resolution addresses many of these concerns.  To see the specific topics/resolutions, please click here.

History: Elementary teachers asked USEP to review, investigate and address the work load that had spiraled out of control over the last several years.  USEP assembled a “task force” of dedicated teachers who volunteered their valuable time to work with the USEP staff to identify specific concerns that existed.   USEP spearheaded several meetings with District leaders over 2 years to resolve many or all of these concerns.  With no meaningful resolution in sight, USEP filed two Class Action grievances that were signed by over 1,400 teachers.

Superintendent Fiorentino and her staff conducted the grievance hearing on November 1, 2012, but failed again to provide the relief USEP sought.  USEP then filed an appeal to the School Board.

In the meantime, newly-elected Superintendent Kurt Browning offered to work with USEP to seek a resolution.  USEP agreed and held off on scheduling the appeal hearing before the school board and reassembled the task force of elementary teachers.  After two meetings with Browning and key staff in February and March, it was clear that the clear and new direction offered met most of the grievance objectives.  As a result, USEP and the Browning made an agreement which negated the need to pursue the grievance to the School Board.

USEP and all teachers will now have to monitor the assurances and commitments made to ensure that the relief offered is realized by our elementary teachers.

While much credit goes to the willingness to make changes by Superintendent Browning, the real credit and congratulations goes to those teachers who committed themselves to this important endeavor worked for two years toward the benefit of their colleagues and students!

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