Emergency Florida Legislative Update: Zoom Meeting – Thursday, March 11th
To: All Pasco Education Employees
From: Don Peace, USEP President
Date: March 9, 2021
The Florida Legislature is now in its annual “Legislative Session” in Tallahassee. USEP received drafts of several bills that, if enacted into law, will directly impact your personal pension plan and potential retirement income, really question your ability to join and remain a member of your local union, change voucher programs and make it easier for private schools and charters to garner funding that otherwise would go to Public schools and eliminate payroll deductions for union members.
These laws would essentially diminish the collective voices of all education employees by silencing their union advocates – and leave only management to make all decisions. Does it sound like this is the “YEAR OF THE TEACHER”?
These are just a few of the legal challenges our elected leaders have decided to implement for teachers and SRP.
We would like to present these new bills to you and ask for every teacher and SRP, regardless of union member status, to engage in this effort to stop these bills from becoming law and reducing your ability to participate in negotiating your salary, benefits and working conditions. These bills, if passed, will affect us all!
- The time you take to contact legislators can mean the difference in the job, benefits and salary you have now, and what could be with new legislation.
Please join us for a brief “zoom meeting” this Thursday evening, March 11th, from 6:00 - 6:30pm. We will focus on the most egregious of these bills and provide information and materials for you to assist all education employees in this effort. Thank you.
Please click on this link to join us Thursday evening:
Don Peace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Don - Emergency Legislative Update Meeting
Time: Mar 11, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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