#FundOurFuture and #RespectUsNow Campaign and Rally
As we ready for our #FundOurFuture and #RespectUsNow Campaign and Rally on Tuesday, March 5 (see related event info), we need to message our School Board members on the importance of prioritizing our employees, especially in the area of salaries and contract. Our Superintendent and Board need to understand that by offering employees a salary that is competitive in the region along with a fair, clearly understood contract, it is a “WIN-WIN” for the District. Our District would then be able to attract and retain quality teachers and NOT be caught up in having to entice employees into Pasco, AND, the STUDENTS win because they keep highly qualified professionals in front of them, offering them the best chance to attain that “world-class education” we desire for them.
Please, this week, contact one or all of the Board members and let them know that it is high time Pasco County, through our Board and Superintendent, sends a message to Tallahassee that we need appropriate Public Education funding in order to do the things necessary to maintain the highest quality educational opportunities for our students.
Tell the Board and Superintendent that our employees are their number one obligation when it comes to budget preparation. It is IMPERATIVE we financially reward those that day in and day out seek to meet all of the needs of our students. It is equally important for our contract to reflect dignity and respect for those people who are not “lucky to have a job”, but deserve to be respected for their dedication to the upbringing of our next generation of leaders. Good contract language is a MUST!
Take a few minutes today, or this week, to let our Superintendent and Board know that WE CARE ABOUT PASCO. PLEASE SHOW YOU CARE ABOUT US!
Alan Altman | alaltman@pasco.k12.fl.us |
Colleen Beaudoin | crbeaudo@pasco.k12.fl.us |
Cynthia Armstrong | carmstro@pasco.k12.fl.us |
Allison Crumbley | acrumble@pasco.k12.fl.us |
Megan Harding | mharding@pasco.k12.fl.us |
Kurt Browning | ksbsos@pasco.k12.fl.us |