Legislative Update – Week 8
BREAKING NEWS - Yesterday the Senate countered the House on teacher salary, increasing the salary allocation but decreasing the BSA and saying they intended to find additional funds to cover the FRS increase. Today the chair of the House Education Committee, Representative Jennifer Sullivan, dropped an amendment to HB 7103 dealing with pay. This is a very bad amendment which we believe is being driven by Commissioner Corcoran as a retaliation for the Senate trying to improve the salary proposal.
The amendment would essentially take away our right to bargain over salaries, excludes any non-classroom teacher (including pre-k) for 2020-2021, does not guarantee the money past 2020-2021, requires that increasing beginning teacher pay is the priority, at the expense of all others, from this point forward, requires DOE approval of salary plans using the salary enhancement line item for 2020-21 and requires districts to submit all future salary plans to DOE.
Floor Actions
March 5 & 6
Third Reading (March 5)
SB 1696 Student Athletes (HB 7011) by Perry (HB 7011 K-12 Student Athletes)
03/04/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 7011; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 7011
03/04/2020 SENATE Withdrawn from Education; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Rules; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading; Substituted for SB 1696; Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (632478); Placed on Third Reading, 03/05/20
03/05/2020 SENATE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 40 Yeas / 0 Nays)
03/05/2020 HOUSE In returning messages
SB 7012 Mental Health by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
03/04/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 03/05/20
03/05/2020 SENATE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 40 Yeas / 0 Nays)
03/05/2020 HOUSE In Messages
Third Reading (March 6)
SB 290 (HB 37 by Zika) School Bus Safety by Hooper
03/05/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 0037; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 0037
03/06/2020 SENATE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 39 Yeas / 0 Nays)
SB 7040 Implementation of the Recommendations of the Marjory Stonema... by Education
03/05/2020 SENATE Temporarily Postponed on Second Reading
03/05/2020 SENATE Retained on Special Order Calendar
SB 70 Alert Systems in Public Schools by Book
03/06/2020 SENATE Read Third Time; Amendment Adopted (530484); Passed (Vote: 40 Yeas / 0 Nays)
SB 752 Emergency Sheltering of Persons with Pets (HB 705) by Bean
03/05/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Substituted for HB 0705; Laid on Table, Refer to HB 0705
03/06/2020 SENATE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 39 Yeas / 0 Nays)
03/06/2020 HOUSE Ordered enrolled
SB 7000 Reporting Abuse, Abandonment, and Neglect by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
03/05/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 03/06/20
03/06/2020 SENATE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 38 Yeas / 0 Nays)
Special Order
SB 1628 Holocaust Education by Book
03/05/2020 SENATE Temporarily Postponed on Second Reading
03/05/2020 SENATE Retained on Special Order Calendar
SB 156 Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Pilot Program by Perry
03/06/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (321480); Ordered engrossed; Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
SB 1066 Impact Feesby Gruters
03/06/2020 SENATE Read Second Time; Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
Third Reading
HB 7063 Child Welfare by Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee
03/05/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Withdrawn (886393); Placed on Third Reading, 03/06/20
03/06/2020 HOUSE Temporarily Postponed on Third Reading
HB 945 Children's Mental Health by Silvers
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 110 Yeas / 0 Nays)
03/06/2020 SENATE In Messages
03/06/2020 SENATE Received; Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
HB 23 Panic Alarms in Public Schools (SB 70 by Book) by Gottlieb
03/05/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Withdrawn (931007); Amendment Adopted (647803); Placed on Third Reading, 03/06/20
03/06/2020 HOUSE Temporarily Postponed on Third Reading
Special Order
HB 7067 Education by Education Committee
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Failed (841565, 130329, 837673, 856839); Amendment Adopted (90379); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 7103 Education by Education Committee
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendments Adopted (029327, 516711, 047307, 092021)
HB 1013 Early Learning and Early Grade Success by Grall
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendments Adopted (297439, 689275, 661847, 768555, 274711); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 1059 Parental Rights by Grall
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendments Adopted (524171, 193191); Amendments Failed (967535, 455883, 741543); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 641 Funds for the Operation of Schools by Plasencia
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (175779); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 1213 Holocaust Education by Fine
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (292289); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 1335 Florida Virtual Education by LaMarca
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (371821); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 7079 Education by PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendments Adopted (863257, 957307, 177341, 456069, 480151, 141393, 903163); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 1231 Students with Disabilities in Public Schools by DuBose
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (942395); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
HB 1083 Student Mental Health Procedures by Webb
03/06/2020 HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (316531); Placed on Third Reading, 03/09/20
Budget Info
Senate Appropriations Chair Bradley announced that the House and Senate have agreed on allocations. Conferees will be announced tonight. The first conference meeting is tentatively scheduled for 2:00PM Saturday. Unresolved issues will tentatively bump to budget chairs by 1:00PM Monday, March 9.
HB 5001 General Appropriations Act by Appropriations Committee
HB 5003 Implementing the 2020-2021 General Appropriations Act by Appropriations Committee
HB 5007 State-administered Retirement Systems by Appropriations Committee
HB 5101 Education Funding by Appropriations Committee
Budget Comparison - Side by Side
Impact of Salary Proposals on Pasco
Teacher Salaries - Senate v House Comparison
Teacher Salary Increase Allocation Comparison
Pasco Breakout
- K-12 Total Funds: Increase to 600,503,976 from 575,360,556 for an increase of 25,143,420 (+4.47%)
- K-12 Total Funds per FTE Student: Increase to 7,718.15 from 7,551.32 for an increase of 166.83 (+2.21%)