United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
Monday 3/30/2020 Update
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Monday 3/30/2020 Update

Hello Again USEP members:

We wanted to reach out to everyone again to say thank you for your efforts Friday in what was a challenging and, in some cases, frustrating training day. Here at the USEP offices, we received calls primarily about the difficulty of getting onto the training platform and understanding “Google Voice”. We have noted these issues, and several others, and will be addressing them with the District today. Please know that no one expected this day to come off perfectly; trying to orient and train several thousand teachers at one time is no easy task – so please be assured that USEP will work with the District to work out as many issues as possible. And please know that no one will be reprimanded or counseled for giving a “good faith” effort to participate in this training.

One of the things I want to highlight during this crucial time is the preservation of jobs and pay for all SRP positions. This has not gone unnoticed with the District, and we appreciate their willingness to work toward this end. Preservation of jobs and pay has not come without sacrifice, but our District understands the need for everyone’s input into the student educational opportunity.

I know we have said this previously, but we are experiencing a “once-in-a-lifetime” event that is devastating to many families here in Pasco County and across the United States. We ask that you continue to work with your schools, colleagues, parents and students and realize that we will all get through this – soon, hopefully!

Many of our students and parents have anxieties about starting off tomorrow “online”. They don’t fully understand what that looks like for them. Please work with those folks to reassure them that you are the one “constant” in their life right now, that you will be there for them. As educators, we are expected to “rise to the occasion”, and I know you will. Please be understanding and compassionate when dealing with these initial concerns. It WILL get better!

Know that any major concerns that any of you have may be addressed to your Building Reps or Business Reps for our intervention.

Please stay positive, be safe and remember your Union is here for you!!

Thank you and have a great week!

Don Peace, President

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If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.