United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
New FEA/Access Membership Card – Watch for it…
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New FEA/Access Membership Card – Watch for it…

You’ve got mail!  That’s right – your new FEA/Access membership card is in the mail.  Look for it to arrive soon.  Members added between December 4th and January 10th will be in the next mailing and can expect their cards by February 15th.

In response to member feedback, the FEA/Access savings website has been redesigned to include some great new features, like Google Maps, keyword search and more, to make it easier for members to save money. English is the default language on the Access savings website, but now members can easily click to view the site in French or Spanish.

The envelope containing your card is clearly marked.

access card envelope

Watch for that envelope to arrive and not to toss it until they look inside.  The welcome letter that accompanies the card contains your personal password.  It’s shown in large type at the lower right of the letter. It’s important to keep both the card and the password.

Please activate your card right away whether you’re new to FEA/Access or not. Do so before February 28, 2013, and automatically be entered in the drawing for a 7-night stay at your choice of thousands of participating condo locations. 

Please use a personal email address for your log in.

Activating your card is easy – either log in to  or call Access Customer Service at 888-304-9048, then follow the prompts.  Those who call Access can use the automated activation feature or choose to speak with a customer service representative.

Just one more benefit of USEP membership! If you’re not a member, used the card attached to join now and start getting the savings.

Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.