United School Employees of Pasco
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Public Input on Implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act in Florida
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Public Input on Implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act in Florida

We need your input!

The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) is seeking public input in order to draft a state plan for how Florida will implement the Every Student Succeeds Act. The window for this round of public input began on June 21st and will end on July 22nd.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) passed in December 2015 and replaces the No Child Left Behind Act. ESSA is set to go into effect in the 2017-2018 school year. This is your opportunity to have a say in how the law is implemented in Florida. Since ESSA contains quite a few provisions, FLDOE has created separate feedback forms for each section of ESSA. Please visit the Florida Department of Education page on ESSA for more information and links to the public input forms or use the links below to go directly to the input forms for a specific section.

  1. Challenging State Academic Standards
  2. Academic Assessments
  3. State Assessment Grants
  4. Statewide Accountability System
  5. School Improvement
  6. School Support and Improvement Activities
  7. Direct Student Services
  8. General Comments by Title of the Act (Titles I-VIII)
  9. U.S. DOE Draft Regulations on Accountability, State Plans and Data Reporting

If you are working through the summer, please feel free to print out the PDF attachment and post it on the USEP bulletin board.

For more information about the Every Student Succeeds Act, please visit:
Education Week –
U.S. Dept. of Education –
ESSA Full Text –

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