Save 10/24 to meet AFT President Weingarten
AFT President Weingarten to Address Union Members Next Wednesday
Save the date! Next Wednesday – AFT National President Randi Weingarten visits the Tampa Bay Area to meet, greet, and address union members from around the Bay Area. The event is being co-sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the West Central Federation of Labor (WCFFL). USEP President Lynne Webb is also the President of our twelve-county WCFFL!
What: Family-style rally with food & drinks open to union members and their families. The event is open to any union member
regardless of whether they are affiliated with an education union or trade.
When:  Wednesday, October 24th, 5:30 PM—7:30 PM
Where: IBEW 915 at 5621 Harney Rd., Tampa, 33610
Who: AFT President Randi Weingarten and other dignitaries