United School Employees of Pasco
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Teacher Evaluation Agreement Reached
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Teacher Evaluation Agreement Reached

Land O’ Lakes, FL – (August 28, 2017) – The United School Employees of Pasco and Pasco County Schools have signed a revised agreement for 2017-2018 teacher evaluations.

The one-year agreement is the result of joint efforts to improve evaluations so that greater emphasis is placed on professional coaching and growth. The procedural revisions are expected to reduce or eliminate much of the concern previously reported as a byproduct of the evaluation process and allow for a more collaborative approach.

Key elements of the agreement include the following:

  • observations conducted over time through multiple informal classroom visits
  • timely feedback, no later than 10 days from visit
  • post-conferences available on request following feedback from a classroom visit
  • scores for classroom practices finalized no later than the end of 3rd quarter
  • elimination of paperwork and documentation associated with scoring of multiple domains
  • Deliberate Practice will remain additive, weighted at 20% instead of 15%

Though a complete contract settlement for the instructional bargaining unit has not yet been reached, implementation in anticipation of ratification will provide opportunities for earlier completion of classroom observations.

The District and the Union have committed to working toward a further improved evaluation system for 2018-2019.

To view the 2017-18 evaluation agreement, click here.

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