Thank You, USEP Members
This whole week is about appreciation, not just for teachers, but for educators in all different roles. Every one of you makes an impact on students daily. Many times, that impact cannot be measured until a student returns later in life to share their accomplishments with you.
As your newly re-elected President, and a now 40-year teacher, I want to thank all of you USEP members, not only for the job you do, but for understanding the importance of having a professional organization like USEP and supporting it. I have bragged at the last two School Board meetings how much all of you have accomplished in such a short time with this new “Distance Learning†method of instruction. Both teachers and SRP have taken on multi-dimensional roles to see to it that our student are not deprived of furthering their education. Unlike many states who have closed schools altogether, this state and this District strive to move our students forward. Thank you for your willingness to work for the good of our students under such uncertain times. Thank you for bonding together like we haven’t seen before to make this learning happen.
Many things have transpired since we left for Spring Break. Most of them were unexpected, yet not entirely unplanned for. Situations have not been perfect. Directions have not been clear. Intentions have been misspoken. Through all of this, USEP, your advocate, has been working with the Superintendent, senior District staff and Employee Relations to bring about as smooth a transition as possible. As problems and concerns have been brought to us, we have addressed, and in most cases resolved or clarified intended outcomes. We have fought for the safety of our students and employees. We have made sure jobs, salaries and insurance benefits have been preserved. We have alleviated countless misconceptions and fears to allow all of you to do what you do best – educate our students.
Your union has had your back through all this madness and confusion. We are here for you should something arise. And we will be there for you as we work with the District to plan what the summer and next year may look like. All the time, our priorities will be assuring the best possible outcomes for our students and our employees.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support of this organization. We are the only organization in this District with employee concerns at the forefront. We count it a privilege to work for you. Please reach out to potential members to let them know how USEP has worked for you!
Don Peace, President