United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
Update on Coronavirus Situation – April 9th 2020
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Update on Coronavirus Situation – April 9th 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020 Update

Hello USEP Members,

Just a few things to bring you up to date. There are a few things still being worked out between USEP and the District. We will apprise you of the outcomes after resolution.

Due to the change in environment, USEP has extended the deadline on USEP Scholarships until Friday, May 8, 2020. Those submissions should be sent to the USEP office.

We were informed yesterday via conference call that the emergency pay for work done the week of March 23-27, 2020, will not be included in the next pay cycle. All emergency pay will be on a future check as gathering records, verifying and coding them to be paid from the separate funding will take time. We will let you know of that pay date when we are notified. Also, any additional duties that were actually performed prior to the Spring Break will be paid.

We have also had conversation on the number of student submissions on assessments. We were told the e-learning protocol is that the student must obtain a 70% score in order to move forward. If after 3 attempts the student has not mastered the content to that level, intervention is called for by the teacher. The hope here is that after reassurance that the student actually read the passage and guidance by the teacher, the student can score at an appropriate level on the 4th assessment, which must be unlocked by the teacher. Some tests are not computer graded, but we were told the same general protocol should be followed.

District continues to put together tutorials for teachers, parents and students as the needs arise. It is everyone’s hope that we provide adequate information for all to be successful.

As we go into the Easter weekend, however you choose to celebrate, enjoy a day away from your computer with your family. Our hope at USEP is for health and safety for all.

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