United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
USEP Delegate Applications
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USEP Delegate Applications

USEP is accepting nominations for members who wish to run as delegates to the following conventions:

NEA Representative Assembly, Minneapolis, MN, June 30-July 5, 2018

AFT Convention, Pittsburgh, PA,  July 13-16, 2018

Delegates will serve a leadership role by influencing the direction of our national affiliates. In the past, delegates have voted on such items as proposed dues increases, constitutional amendments and candidates running for affiliate offices. Delegates also attend a variety of workshops, committees and constituency caucuses.

In order to run as a delegate, you must be a dues paying member in good standing as of January 15, 2018. Nomination forms must contain the signatures of two members of USEP in good standing, the candidate’s signature and be received at the USEP office by 4:30 P.M., Tuesday, April 10, 2018 to qualify for candidacy. Facsimile copies are not acceptable and will be deemed invalid. Candidates receiving the largest number of votes cast (Plurality) shall be declared elected. Please note that that only SRP members can nominate an SRP delegate, and only Instructional members can nominate an Instructional delegate. Delegates elected must sign and return USEP REPRESENTATION POLICY by deadline to be considered.

USEP Delegate Policy
USEP Travel Policy
USEP Delegate Nomination Form
Information for Attendance at 2018 NEA and AFT Conventions

Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.