United School Employees of Pasco
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Waiting Continues for FRS Ruling

FRSNews & Updates

Although the election is over, the waiting continues for the Florida Supreme Court’s decision on FEA’s pension litigation.  There is no set deadline for the Supreme Court to make its ruling.  The court is a deliberative body and known for thoroughly reviewing all of the arguments, exhibits and research. Decisions can and do take months.

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Bottoms Up—On the Ballot!

Tuesday, November 6th is Election Day. As the expression goes, “Bottoms up!” No, we’re not talking about hoisting a drink, but starting from the bottom of the ballot and working your way up. Why?  Because the Florida legislature has drafted all eleven of the constitutional amendments. (That alone should give you pause!)   This is the

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California Casualty Academic Award

BenefitsNews & Updates

USEP’s Benefit Partner is Helping Teachers Help Their Classrooms: Win $2,500 for Your Classroom with an Academic Award from California Casualty [SUMMARY] As more and more educators reach into their own pockets to provide supplies for their classrooms, California Casualty announces a new Academic Award program to help educators help their students. This $2,500 Academic

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Save 10/24 to meet AFT President Weingarten

News & Updates

AFT President Weingarten to Address Union Members Next Wednesday Save the date!  Next Wednesday – AFT National President Randi Weingarten visits the Tampa Bay Area to meet, greet, and address union members from around the Bay Area.  The event is being co-sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the West Central Federation of

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What is up with the Furlough Day Talk?

News & Updates

The short answer is nothing – nothing has been proposed in negotiations, and nothing has been agreed to. As has been publicized over the past month, the School Board adopted a tentative budget on September 18th that includes 2 days of employee furloughs to make it balance.   Merely including these days in the budget does

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Exuberantly Celebrate Labor Day

News & Updates

As we approach Labor Day on the heels of the Republican Convention, we should exuberantly celebrate the significance of this holiday. Over a hundred years ago, the labor movement dedicated the first Monday in September, Labor Day, to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers.  On June 28, 1897, Congress passed an act

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Another FEA Victory: Administrative Judge Tosses DOE Rule on Evaluations

Yesterday, the Florida Education Association (FEA) dealt another blow to a key component of SB-736 when an administrative law judge invalidated the SB-736 performance evaluation rule the State Board of Education was imposing upon Florida school districts, teachers and administrators. Judge John G. Van Laningham found that the State Board of Education and Department of

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Join us at Our Labor Day Celebration and in the Fight to Restore Our FRS Pension Rights!

FRSNews & Updates

Labor Day Celebration & Picnic Join our union brothers and sisters for a Labor Day Celebration to be held Monday, September 4th,11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at Lupton’s Boggy Bottom Ranch (8407 Lupton Place, Plant City, 33567) located one mile east of the Hwy 39 and Keysville Road intersection in Plant City: This year’s

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Primary Day: Don’t Let Anything Keep You Away!

Polls are open today until 7:00 p.m. for the Primary Election.  Don’t let anything keep you from your civic duty. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Why bother to vote?  Because someone hired by someone appointed by someone elected affects your life and your family around the clock.  Politics affects salaries, class sizes, the availability of textbooks and

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If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.