United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
USEP Reopening Update – 8/19/2020
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USEP Reopening Update – 8/19/2020

USEP Members,

Good afternoon. We are sending this email to provide an update on various issues related to the potential start to face to face instruction currently scheduled for Monday. As you are probably fully aware, the situation is very fluid with new information coming in practically every hour. Please know that we are working hard to address issues as we are made aware of them.

As a reminder, there are currently two pending court cases regarding the opening of schools.  At the state level, the FEA filed a lawsuit. This case is being heard this week in the 2nd Judicial Court of Florida in Tallahassee. Additionally, USEP filed an injunction that has not yet been heard. We did request an expedited case and hope to have more information soon.

While this organization continues to advocate for a safe, online start to the school year, we must also prepare for the ramifications of the district’s current plan for face to face instruction currently scheduled to begin on Monday. Therefore, USEP has sent the district a “Demand to Impact Bargain” letter in order to bargain a variety of issues including:

  • Make Up Time Obligations – related to compensation issues for employees being paid during the 2-week delayed start to the school year
  • Cleaning of Classrooms – determine the process for teachers and SRPs as it relates to worksite cleanliness during a pandemic
  • SWIVL Cameras Blended Classes – negotiate the process for this concept and determine if required or voluntary
  • Breakfast in Classrooms – clarify safety and planning time ramifications of this process

We have also received questions regarding the districts mask policy. The full policy can be found here:

At the most recent School Board meeting, it was stated that all worksites had received shipments of all safety & wellness supplies needed to open safely. We are in the process of verifying not only the receipt but also the distribution of such supplies. Also, the district does have PPE equipment including gloves, face masks, face shields and gowns available to employees. Email your supervisor or administrator to request such additional equipment.

Be safe. Stay well. As always, if we can be of help to you, please let us know.

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If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.