- SEIZURE OVERVIEW TRAINING – It has been brought to our attention that all employees were notified that they must complete a mandatory training ON Canvas in accordance with HB173 called SEIZURE OVERVIEW TRAINING. Upon further investigation. The District has agreed that this training is recommended for all employees but is only mandatory for those employees identified as having contact with a student with a seizure disorder. This training is an 11-minute video with follow-up questions and is intended to provide an overview of how to better support these students in a school setting. To know if you are tagged with a seizure disorder student, please contact your administration.
- PD OPPORTUNITIES – FEA’s Professional Development and Educational Research Department is offering some learning opportunities for both Instructional and SRP members. Please see the flyer (9.18.22 – FEA PD Upcoming Learning Opportunities – Fall 2022) for information about the different sessions and webinars available. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica – jmedina@useponline.org