United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
USEP Update – Monday, Sept. 20th, 2021
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USEP Update – Monday, Sept. 20th, 2021

  • BUSINESS REP CHRIS SILLER - Chris, who has represented the South-Central region for the last 2 ½ years, has left USEP for another job opportunity. We wish him well in this new endeavor. USEP is in the process of hiring his replacement and an announcement should be forthcoming shortly. If you have concerns in the interim, please call the office at 813.751.9072.
  • INSURANCE UPDATE – The Insurance Committee (½ District, ½ USEP) recently voted to modify the insurance plans for the 2022 Calendar year. Plan details will be sent to all employees prior to the upcoming OPEN ENROLLMENT period, October 1-31, 2021.
  • EMPLOYEES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN/COVID QUARANTINES - On August 6th, USEP and the District agreed to a Health and Safety MOU. Along with other things, this MOU allows for employees to temporarily work remotely when the employee is subject to quarantine/isolation as directed by the District’s COVID Response Team and/or the Pasco County Department of Health.

    ***UPDATE*** After conversation with USEP, the District has agreed to expand remote work availability to include employees that are unable to report to work due to caring for a minor child that is quarantined/isolated by the Department of Health. While this addition does not address every situation, it is a step forward for many employees. This policy change will take effect on September 13. The following provisions must be met:

    • Employee available for work and nature of employee’s position supports working remotely.
    • Employee provides proof of a Positive test result or DOH requirement to quarantine. (Generic letter from employee deciding to quarantine child will not qualify).
    • Generally, remote assignments will not exceed quarantine/isolation or 8 working days, whichever is less. Exceptions must be agreed upon by employee and supervisor and approved by Sup’t.
    • Employee must meet job expectations during remote work.
    • If employee is unable to work during portions of remote assignment, personal accrued leave must be used.
  • LEAVE FOR UNVACCINATED EMPLOYEES - Let me clarify some misconceptions on the COVID Administrative Leave days. First, USEP DID ADVOCATE for the additional Administrative Leave days for ALL employees. However, this is a benefit provided for by the District above and beyond contractual guidelines. When we were not able to get those additional days for unvaccinated employees, we went right back to our contract and put the District on notice that we will use the Illness-in Line-of-Duty language (Article VIII, Section B, 2, a - P. 25 Instructional Contract/P. 23 SRP Contract) to garner the same privilege for unvaccinated employees. NO ONE HAS BEEN LEFT BEHIND! We are using existing language to benefit the employees who were not extended paid leave privileges by the District. While the vaxed/unvaxed situation may be political, USEP felt that ALL EMPLOYEES should be afforded paid leave for COVID related events that happen because of the work setting. We made sure the Health & Safety MOU contained language that protected and maintained our current contractual rights. I hope this clears up the misinformation.
    • SRP - MOU’s SIGNED:
      • Ground Rules
      • Targeted Attendance Incentive Program
      • Health & Safety Guidelines
      • FNS Safety Apparel
      • Maintenance Department Shirt Program
      • SRP Workplace Committee
      • Education Professional/IA’s & Other Eligible SRP Career Development Program
    • SRP - Outstanding:
      • COVID Retention Supplements/Bonus
        • USEP is asking for retirees to be given a Bonus, so as not to cause a problem with FRS
          • District is refusing to pay retirees, even though they worked last year, based on the fact they did not return to District
        • USEP is asking for employees who passed due to COVID to have estate paid
          • District is claiming this is a legal nightmare to get paid
      • Ground Rules
      • VPK
      • ESY
      • Title 1 Supplements
      • Training Participation
      • JMMES/CENES Steam
      • Health & Safety Guidelines
      • COVID Retention Supplements/Bonus
        • USEP is asking for retirees to be given a Bonus, so as not to cause a problem with FRS
          • District is refusing to pay retirees, even though they worked last year, based on the fact they did not return to District
        • USEP is asking for employees who passed due to COVID to have estate paid
          • District is claiming this is a legal nightmare to get paid
      • Compensation for Voluntary Coverage
        • District refuses to offer monetary compensation for teachers who:
          • Voluntarily give up planning period to sub, or;
          • Are given additional students due to “splitting” classes due to no sub

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