United School Employees of Pasco
USEP News and Updates
Welcome Back / Hurricane Irma Recovery
 /  News & Updates / Welcome Back / Hurricane Irma Recovery

Welcome Back / Hurricane Irma Recovery

Friday, September 15, 2017

Greetings and Welcome Back!

I hope all of you survived IRMA with minimal damage to home or property and are returning to some semblance of normalcy. Please be aware that there may be some of our folks who had serious damage or issues resulting from this storm and may need our help and consideration. Even though we “dodged a bullet” on IRMA as far as a major impact to our area is concerned, let us take from this the lesson of preparedness. Time for action comes early and dissipates quickly.

Thank you to all who volunteered in shelters at our Pasco schools. Your selfless service to those in need does not go unnoticed. Let me add a note on pay. All employees, instructional and SRP, are being paid for Friday 9/8 through Thursday 9/14 at your regular rate of pay. All leaves expected during that time are being cancelled and credited back to the employee. In addition, if you volunteered at a school shelter or other storm related activity (FNS, transportation or other volunteer), you will be paid 1.5 times your regular daily rate (base salary plus educational supplement). You will receive your REGULAR pay on Friday, Sept. 22, and the 0.5 bonus pay in a separate check at a later date.

Today is a day to get prepared for the return of instruction of students on Monday. The District has provided some educational links should you choose to use them to share with students:


Activities for children with teacher or parent:

Utilize this day to reorganize to full instruction on Monday.

Questions have been asked about being paid for 5 days and having to work make-up days. You will be paid your contracted days and expected to work accordingly. No word yet on make-up days, as Governor Scott has yet to weigh in on any decision to forgive or require make-up days throughout the state.

If you have any other questions, please call our office at 813-996-2119. We will be happy to help you.

Thank you for what you do- putting Pasco students first. Let’s hope weather-wise, we have an uneventful rest of the year.

USEP President

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