United School Employees of Pasco
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President’s Statement on the Appointment of Richard Corcoran to Commissioner of Education

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Governor-elect DeSantis is intent upon placing out-of-office politician Richard Corcoran as the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education. If allowed, this would be a most devastating blow to Public Education. Corcoran, with no resistance from the FL House, and surprising little challenge from the Senate, ran roughshod through Public Education last year, getting several Read more

USEP Response to District’s 6 of 7 Plan

Please watch the video and plan on attending the September 18th School Board meeting in Land O' Lakes as the Board will be reviewing the District Budget for the second required time and we want the Board to see the interest and concern all employees have in the Budget and potential salary increases! If you Read more

New Teacher Orientation 2018

FeaturedNews & Updates
CONGRATULATIONS!! USEP TEAM SIGNS UP 132 NEW TEACHERS AT ORIENTATION! On Monday, July 30, 2018, an 8-member team from USEP spent the day at Cypress Creek High School speaking to new teachers to our District. After sharing information about our organization and giving their personal stories, our team signed up 132 of these new teachers Read more

USEP Delegate Applications

News & Updates
USEP is accepting nominations for members who wish to run as delegates to the following conventions: NEA Representative Assembly, Minneapolis, MN, June 30-July 5, 2018 AFT Convention, Pittsburgh, PA,  July 13-16, 2018 Delegates will serve a leadership role by influencing the direction of our national affiliates. In the past, delegates have voted on such items Read more

Teachers and School Related Personnel Vote to Ratify Contracts

With a majority of teacher and school related personnel (SRP) casting ballots, the United School Employees of Pasco received a stamp of approval on the most recently negotiated contracts with the District School Board of Pasco County. On Thursday, February 1st, the USEP Election Committee counted the ballots tonight at the United School Employees of Read more

Welcome Back / Hurricane Irma Recovery

News & Updates
Friday, September 15, 2017 Greetings and Welcome Back! I hope all of you survived IRMA with minimal damage to home or property and are returning to some semblance of normalcy. Please be aware that there may be some of our folks who had serious damage or issues resulting from this storm and may need our Read more

Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.