United School Employees of Pasco
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USEP Declares Impasse

USEP DECLARES IMPASSE! Tonight the United School Employees of Pasco bargaining teams offered proposals for both the School Related Personnel (SRP) and Instructional Bargaining Units. The USEP proposals were both feasible and reasonable asking the Board to invest in its employees, and improve working conditions through contract language. Unfortunately, the District failed to respond to

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The Impact We Have on Students

News & Updates

Two weeks ago, 9 USEP members attended the Florida Education Association’s Delegate Assembly, our state union annual convention, where we conducted the regular business of approving our state union’s budget, debated several business items and positions for our state union and elected a representative to the National Education Association’s Board of Directors.  We witnessed an

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Bargaining Update from the President 10/24/2016

From the President On Friday, October 20 th, the Superintendent sent out a message in School Matters stating, “Despite making several requests to the United School employees of Pasco (USEP) to resume negotiations, the union has declined any subsequent invitations to resume negotiations.” Recognizing the need for a more complete financial picture in late August,

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Bargaining Update 8/25/2016

USEP Bargaining Update “More of the Same” Tonight contract negotiations continued in the 7th Instructional bargaining session for the 2106-2017 school year with USEP presenting an opening “Economic Proposal” for the teachers. The USEP proposal provided for a 4%, $9,404,815.28, overall increase for salaries with 2%, 4,702,407.64, to be used for a Cost Of Living

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Bargaining Update 8/24/2016

USEP Bargaining Update “See you in September” Tonight contract negotiations continued in the 8th SRP bargaining session for the 2106-2017 school year with USEP presenting an opening “Economic Proposal.” The proposal provided for a 4% increase to the base salary for all eligible School Related Personnel, exclusive of supplements. USEP believes that the District has

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.