United School Employees of Pasco
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USEP Teams to Return to the Bargaining Table

Since last week’s bargaining session, the USEP bargaining teams (Instructional and SRP) have discussed and clarified several important questions that allow us to return to the bargaining table Wednesday evening (December 10th) with high hopes of settling this year’s contracts! The USEP teams did not reject the District’s last offer but simply needed additional time

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Bargaining Update: Close, But…

Last night USEP instructional and SRP negotiating teams showed solidarity when refusing to sign off on the District’s “Best and Final” proposal. The evening began with USEP teams passing proposals in response to District proposals passed before Thanksgiving break. The District countered with what is termed their “Best and Final” proposal, which includes the elimination

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No Agreement Following Recent District Proposal 

Last night the District Bargaining proposal still sought to eliminate the Early Retirement Plan, moving from 2-1/2 years to 3 years.  This offer came despite the comments of dozens of teachers and SRP who attended Tuesday’s School Board meeting to speak against excessive state mandated testing as well as the District’s proposal to eliminate the

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Know What’s On the Table Bargaining Meeting

If you have been monitoring contract negotiations, you know that USEP passed our initial economic proposals earlier this month. The Board’s counter-proposal was presented as “a package” that included a move to eliminate employees’ Early Retirement Monthly Benefit. Since then, USEP has been inundated with calls of concern and confusion related specifically to this benefit. To help answer

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Celebrate the Right to Vote this Saturday with USEP!

News & Updates

Cast your ballot and promote our endorsed candidates this Saturday by participating in USEP’s Celebrate the Right to Vote Rally! The rally will be held outside the early voting place at The Grove in Wesley Chapel, where we will be encouraging members and their families to vote and to support USEP’s endorsed candidates. Members who want to

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USEP Seeking Applicants for Two Part-Time Positions

News & Updates

Are you or someone you know interested in working part time for a progressive employee-friendly organization? If so, check out the two vacancy announcements on the USEP Staff Page! USEP is accepting applications for part-time positions of Clerk/Receptionist and Bookkeeper. While the positions will remain open until filled, USEP is looking to fill the positions

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Bargaining Update: Initial Economic Proposal

USEP and District instructional bargaining teams met again last night and the Union passed our initial “Economic Proposal” . The USEP proposal incorporated components, now required by state law (Senate Bill 736), that requires teachers on Annual Contracts to be compensated on a performance pay basis and allows for teachers with Professional Service (PSC) or

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Bargaining Update: Protected Individual Planning Time Increased

USEP and the District reached a tentative agreement last night on two significant pieces of contract terms.  The District agreed to the Union’s proposal and planning time by agreeing to increase overall and individual planning time for teachers by 50 minutes each week.  This means teachers will have 300 overall minutes of planning each week

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.