United School Employees of Pasco
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DOE Forced to Release Teachers’ Flawed VAM Scores

News & Updates

Today the Florida DOE is releasing to the press individual VAM data on teachers.  Both the DOE and the Florida Education Association (FEA) fought against the release, but the courts ruled that such information, regardless of its validity, is a public record.  Teachers will receive an email from the DOE Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart

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Scholarship Opportunities and Financial Services for USEP Members and Families

BenefitsNews & Updates

Looking to further your education or seeking a scholarship for a graduating senior?  Then check out several scholarship opportunities for USEP members and families.   The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Robert G. Porter Scholars Program offers four-year $8,000 scholarships to union members’ dependent graduating high school seniors. Also offered is a $1,000 grant award open

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USEP Sponsors Pasco Young Educators Kick-off Social

News & Updates

On Thursday, February 13th at 5:30 p.m. the Pasco Young Educators are kicking off their exciting new group with a social at the World of Beer, 2081 Collier Parkway, in Land O’ Lakes.  The new group consists of teachers and School Related Professionals under the age of 40 who want to empower young educators to

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Share My Lesson: A New Year’s Resolution for a Gold Medal Year!

News & Updates

Developed by the American Federation of Teachers, Share My Lesson is an interactive, online community where professional educators can share effective teaching resources with one another. There are over 295,000 free teaching materials on the website—including lesson plans, learning activities, and worksheets—and the resources cover material from all educational subjects and grade levels. Share My

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Remembering and Saluting Everyday Heroes

News & Updates

Saluting Our Everyday Heroes Several years ago, the theme of the FEA Delegate Assembly was “Everyday Heroes” to salute the work of FEA members across the state of Florida. As we ready ourselves for the upcoming holiday season, let us remember the “Everyday Heroes” who placed their lives on the line for their students.  Just

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Vacancy Announcements for the United School Employees of Pasco

News & Updates

The United School Employees of Pasco (AFT Local 3600) is accepting applications for the positions of Secretary/Data Entry/Receptionist and Business Representative.  The USEP is a wall-to-wall public sector union that represents teachers and education staff professionals (bus drivers, instructional assistants, food & nutrition, custodial, secretaries, etc.) in Pasco County, Florida.  The USEP has over 3,300

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USEP and District Reach Accord on Deliberate Practice

News & UpdatesTeacher Evaluations

After working with the District for the last several weeks, USEP is pleased to announce the following key points of agreement regarding Deliberate Practice (DP) plans. Prior to December 13th, teachers will be excused from attending a 40-minute PLC  so they may work individually on their DP plans.  Teachers are not to be scheduled to use this 40

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.