United School Employees of Pasco
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Elected: Amanda Murphy: Labor’s Candidate

Congratulations to Amanda Murphy for her victory in the special election for House District 36. USEP, FEA, Central Labor Council, Florida AFL-CIO, Fraternal order of Police, the Florida State Lodge, Pasco County Sheriff’s Lodge No 29, and Pasco County Professional Firefighters all endorsed Candidate Amanda Murphy for Florida House Seat 36. The seat was held by Mike

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Pasco School Employees Ratify New Contracts

After counting over 5,500 teacher and school related personnel votes, the United School Employees of Pasco received a stamp of approval on the most recently negotiated contracts with the District School Board of Pasco County.  Sixty-eight percent of eligible employees cast ballots on Thursday, September 26, 2013.  The USEP Election Committee counted the ballots last

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What Happened to the $2,500 the Governor Promised? and other Questions.

So What Happened to the $2,500 the Governor Promised? The $2,500 was the Governor’s goal.  The amount was to include District retirement and FICA payments, which drops the amount to a little over $2,100.  The Legislature didn’t agree with the Governor and, instead, approved a lower amount.  That amount was designated as a “categorical.”  As

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Labor Day, Equality and Justice

FeaturedNews & Updates

 By Lynne Webb, President United School Employees of Pasco West Central Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO As we approach Labor Day on the heels of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, we should exuberantly celebrate the significance of this holiday. Organized labor played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement. After all, the

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Heart Healthy Bus Coming to a Worksite Near You

Thanks to the Joint District/USEP Insurance Committee, Health Fair, and several area hospitals, insured employees and retirees will have the opportunity to get four essential cardiac tests for free at locations convenient to their worksites. The tests include an echocardiogram, a 12-lead EKG, an Artery Stiffness analysis, and a Carotid Artery Ultrasound. The screenings take

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USEP/District Agree on Teacher Evaluations

 Last evening (Tuesday), the USEP and District bargaining teams reached agreement on the teacher evaluation process as mandated by SB-736. The District did not pass an economic counter to USEP’s initial economic proposal. District negotiators indicated that the Superintendent had heard from a number of employees endorsing USEP’s “shares” proposal and wanted to discuss with the

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A New Benefit from USEP: Share My Lesson

BenefitsNews & Updates

Welcome back to a new school year!  So much goes on at the start of the school year:  bargaining, setting up your classroom, gathering materials, etc.    And while everyone is running around crazy, now is the perfect time to join Share My Lesson. Share My Lesson is a free benefit from USEP that supports teachers,

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.