United School Employees of Pasco
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Pasco School Employees Ratify New Contracts

Pasco teachers and employees ratified their contracts for the current school year and put to rest any plans to furlough employees this year.  After counting 2,971 teacher and 1,998 school related personnel (SRP) votes, the United School Employees of Pasco announced approval of the most recently negotiated contracts with the District School Board of Pasco

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Elementary Workload Grievance Settled

Late last week, USEP and the District reached an agreement to resolve the long-standing Elementary Workload Class Action grievance that was filed in October 2012.  Issues included ever-increasing student assessments, meetings, and planning time issues.  The resolution addresses many of these concerns.  To see the specific topics/resolutions, please click here. History: Elementary teachers asked USEP to review, investigate and address

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“No-Show” Fees at Health Centers

No-Shows and Late Cancellations Cause Problems  at District Health and Wellness Centers Despite some confusion and notices to the contrary, The District Health and Wellness Centers (HWC) will NOT start docking employees’ payfor no-shows, lateness and last-minute cancellations of appointments. A District employee contacted USEP over spring break after visiting a HWC and reading a posted notice informing

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USEP and District Settle Contracts

USEP and District Reach Agreement and Turn Focus to Next Year Wednesday, March 6th USEP and District negotiation teams settled their contracts for the current school year. There will be no furlough days. Actual language and summaries of the settlements are posted here. The agreement continues to maintain a fully-board-paid employee health plan, an item that has been in danger

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Economic Negotiations Begin: Furloughs off the Table

This week the District and USEP bargaining teams returned to the table over economics.  The instructional team also sought to finalize changes to the teacher evaluation process mandated under SB-736. A major development was the District abandoning its insistence on employee furloughs. USEP waited to begin financial discussions until the new superintendent had time to review the District’s revenues

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Sign Up for Target Tallahassee

The 2013 Legislative Session is shaping up to be another challenging one for education employees. USEP has sent members to attend committee meetings during each of the Interim Committee weeks. Now, USEP is preparing for the regular session by inviting members to become a part of our member lobbyist group. Join our group now and

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Union-Made Wines for Valentine’s Day

News & Updates

How are you and your Valentine celebrating this February 14th? The United Farm Workers (UFW), United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), and International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) suggest toasting your Valentine with a union-crafted wine. Here are some popular union-made wines paired with foods for the perfect dinner match. Cook’s champagne (UFCW) - Nothing says “I

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Action Needed! HELP Protect FRS!

FRSNews & UpdatesPolitical/Legislative

As if taxing teachers, firefighters, police, and other public employees paychecks 3% to help cover the state’s share of our retirement plan was not enough, legislative leaders are ramrodding a bill that could cost them even more. The House Government Operations Subcommittee is scheduled to consider committee bill, GVOPS 13-01, Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. that would close the traditional pension plan under the Florida

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Contact Info

If you are an employee of Pasco County Schools and not already a member of USEP, consider joining today! Members are eligible for a wide range of benefits through our affiliates and benefit partners. USEP also provides members with professional development opportunities and representation for member issues.